Stay on top of your prayers with Haqibat Almumin, the best Islamic app & get accurate prayer times, adhan time, azan alarm, recite the Holy Quran, dua & azkar, dhikr, check Ramadan 2023 calendar – sehr o iftar timetable, Eid, Hajj, new Islamic year dates in Hijri calendar 2019, Qibla Finder to get connected to Muslim community.
- Holy Quran
---- English Translation
---- Advanced Search
---- Listen To Quran With deferent Sounds
---- Bookmark Surah and Ayah of your choice
---- Share ability of any Ayah on social media
- Adhan
---- Get the most accurate Prayer timings for thousands of cities worldwide.
---- Listen to adhan five times a day by enabling azan notifications/azan alarm
---- View the remaining time for each Salat & see accurate Muslim prayer times of the entire day.
Gregorian and Islamic Calendar:
---- View current Islamic & Gregorian Calendar 2019 dates
---- Enjoy the Hijri-Gregorian date converter/Islamic date converter.
---- View list of Islamic Events/Special Islamic Days of Hijri Year
- Prayer Tracker
Useful solution of forgetfulness in prayer.. Haqibat Almumin keep tracking you while you Praying.
- Istikhara
- Qibla Finder:
Integrated Qibla Finder / Qibla compass / Qibla direction